Why Failure is Good For You

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How do you view failure?

Do you see it as something negative that you don’t want to be associated with or do you see it as something positive? Most people in the world don’t like failure.

Fear of failure is the main reason why more than 80% of people in the world are not prepared to change their circumstances. Why do people fear failure so much? The reason for this is because people don’t understand the dynamics involved in success and failure.

Everything we do in life has either a right way of doing it and a wrong way of doing it. When we do it the right way we meet with success. Needless to say that when we do it the wrong way we are unsuccessful. And there is always a better way…

Understanding this is important because it puts failure in its proper perspective and removes the fear around it. A key is your correct mindset. 

When someone who doesn’t understand this dynamic meets with temporary failure he gives up thinking that she is not good enough or that he will never make it. But is this really what it is? Does the fact that you didn’t make it the first time mean that you are not good enough?

Does it mean that you’ll never make it?


You have the incorrect mindset and need help finding the right key to open the door your heart desires. 

So what do you do next? You go back and try to find out where you went wrong. Then you try again this time employing a different method. When this doesn’t work you go back and look at everything you have done so far. Talk to successful people who have made it in this area. Think of what you might have left out and try again.

Whatever you do, don’t give up. Why do you need to do this? Because, “Every failure, every adversity and every heartache, carries with it the seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit”, says author and mentor to many great men, Napoleon Hill. Failure contains the seed of victory and of success. 

Failure teaches you what works and what doesn’t. When you study the reasons for your failure and learn from it, you’ll find the key to your success. The great inventor Thomas Edison knew this truth better than anyone else. Did it take Edison 8000 trials to perfect the Edison battery? Afterward, he uttered this famous quote, “At least we know 8000 things that don’t work”.

You should also be like that. Every successful person has had to overcome temporary defeat at one time or another. Know this! You haven’t really failed until you ACCEPT defeat and you stop. Do you envy those who got success easily? Don’t! Success earned in spite of earlier failure is so much sweeter than if you would get it otherwise. 

Those who earn success in this way know the road to success. They are not afraid of losing what they have because they have learned how to become successful. Those that easily get success don’t know the road. That is why second generation wealth never lasts.

They got there so quickly that they didn’t bother to look around. Let me use the following analogy to illustrate. Take two people traveling to the same destination, with this difference. The one is going by airplane and the other by car, but the one arriving by car had a few breakdowns along the way.

If you take these two people back to their original position and ask them to find their way to their destination, who do you think will remember the road better the next time? The person who spent some time on the road and had the opportunity to look around is the obvious choice.

Let temporary defeat no longer be an obstacle. You have many hidden talents, so start working towards realizing your dreams. Don’t be put off by the fear of failure. Failure is an ally because it contains the seed of success.

Keep in mind ultimate; success is 5% strategy & 95% mindset structured the right way!

Take the fast track with my 3 secrets that successful entrepreneurs use to shift their business success mindset and move from good to great!


About Francois Lupien

Francois Lupien is a dynamic business success mindset coach, mentor, speaker, and presenter. He works with entrepreneurs and professionals stuck on a plateau who want to add 6 figures to their income – and get results that stick.

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